Perfect Diet - Perfect Nutrition
Toxic Heavy Metal Poisoning, Contamination, Symptoms, Testing, Chelation, and Detox Protocols

Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel, Aluminum, Antimony, Barium, Bismuth, Copper, Gandolinium, Gallium, Germanium, Iron, Palladium, Platinum, Rhodium, Tellurium, Thallium, Thorium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, and Uranium

Chelation Agents, DMPS, DMSA, EDTA, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), Chlorella, Cilantro, Porphyrazyme, MSM, Branch Chain Amino Acids, L-Glutathione, Essential Fatty Acids, D-Penicillamine, Hyaluronic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid, CoEnzyme Q-10, Vitamins, and Minerals

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What is Heavy Metal Contamination?

Heavy Metal Contamination is a general term given to describe a condition in which people have abnormally high levels of toxic metals in the body. Common examples are mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic. This contamination can be very real, detrimental to health and deadly. Unfortunately, many scam artists are propagating myths, distortions and lies about heavy metal contamination as scare tactics to sell fraudulent or partially effective products for treating the supposed contamination.

Heavy metals are subtle, silent, stalking killers. They enter the body with our food, water, air we breathe and by skin contact. They slowly accumulate in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, bones, central nervous system and brain where they degrade health without being noticed or diagnosed. Heavy metals can and do cause cancer without ever being implicated in the diagnosis. Heavy metals cause sodium retention leading to high blood pressure. Heavy metals can and do cause heart disease and mental retardation. Everyone is contaminated with heavy metals, some seriously, without ever knowing it.

Cancer - The Cause, Prevention, Treatment, Control and Spontaneous Remission of Cancer of the Breast, Prostate, Lung, Colon, Liver, Pancreas, Brain, Bone, Lymph Gland, or Skin Melanoma.

The following information will sort through the rhetoric to present the scientific truths and expose the myths, distortions and lies. Testing methods will be explained. Some "do-it-yourself" treatments are possible. Other treatments require professional medical procedures. A diet program is described which will help prevent the accumulation of toxic heavy metals and will help remove existing contamination by utilizing natural chelating foods, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Heavymetal Atom.Heavy metals can enter the body from a wide variety of sources including foods, drinks, contaminated air, contact with the skin, vaccines, injections and implants within the body. The typical sources and odds of becoming contaminated are listed below in the discussion of each of the major heavy metals. Special or unusual contamination by radioactive (nuclear) compounds and poisons will not be discussed here.

Fanatical salesmen of heavy metal treatments and products would have you believe that everyone is suffering severely negative health effects from toxic heavy metal contamination. These claims are false. Very few people have negative health problems from toxic heavy metal contamination. These fanatics create panic and heavy metal paranoia. Care should be taken to avoid nutritional and health care practitioners who perform their own heavy metal testing or those who have a conflict of interest with the heavy metal testing laboratory. Read more below about a recommended independent, professional testing laboratory.

Nonessential heavy metal ions cause aging in addition to serious diseases and death. People who are otherwise very healthy will have increased aging caused by the heavy metal ions cross linking between normal molecules in the body. These ions are sometimes referred to as "free radicals." The cross linking has been identified in diseases such as hardening of the arteries, skin ailments, carpal tunnel syndrome, degeneration of organs, nerve damage, etc. Therefore, detoxing heavy metals from the body is a good anti-aging step even in people who appear to be perfectly healthy. Vitamins, minerals and supplements that have an affinity toward heavy metal ions are said to be antioxidants, because they attach to and remove free radicals from the body. Aging rubber is a good example of cross linking. The rubber molecules are cross linked by oxygen atoms, causing the rubber to lose elasticity and crack. People age in a similar manner as a result of free radical attack.

Symptoms of toxic heavy metal poisoning can be mental retardation in children, dementia in adults, central nervous system (CNS) disorders, kidney (renal) diseases, liver (hepatic) diseases, insomnia, personality changes, emotional instability, depression, panic attacks, memory loss, headaches, vision disturbances including peripheral neuropathy, excess salivation, excess sweating and lack of coordination (ataxia). Death is often caused by encephalopathy (diseases of the brain) or cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Heavy metal toxicity can cause the blood pH to become acidic. The body buffers this acidity by extracting calcium from the bones. The calcium (not a heavy metal) tends to accumulate in the soft tissue of the arteries causing hardening of the arteries. Removing calcium from soft tissue is extremely difficult, although the protocol presented here may be helpful in reducing hardening of the arteries as well as removing the toxic heavy  metals.

What are the Sources of Heavy Metal Contamination?

Dental amalgam fillings are the primary source of mercury in the body. Even so older people with a large number of amalgam fillings suffer no observable health problems. According to health authorities, amalgam fillings are best left in place because removal could actually increase the amount of mercury in the body.

Mercury in some fish has been a problem, but supermarket fish is safe to eat. Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tile fish are the species most likely to contain elevated levels of methylmercury, an organic form of mercury. Mercury contamination in the past has come from broken thermometers, contact lens solutions, disinfectants, vaccines and injections.

Lead contamination can come from old lead water pipes, lead-based paint, lead-acid batteries, lead-contaminated cookware, lead-based candle wicks, unglazed ceramic pottery, being shot with lead pellets or bullets, or employment in chemical, electronic or mining industries, etc.

Cadmium contamination can come from cadmium batteries, industrial processes, mining, etc.

Arsenic is used in rodentcides as a rodent poison. Arsenic-laced (chromated copper arsenate or CCA) pressure-treated lumber was common before regulations forbade the manufacture after January 1, 2004. Utility poles and railroad ties are also a common hazard. Contamination from cutting the wood with power saws or touching it with the hands is common. Never use old pressure-treated lumber, poles or ties. Play sets and patio decks made from arsenic pressure-treated lumber are very dangerous for children. Touching the wood with bare hands or bare feet can cause toxic arsenic poisoning.

Other heavy metal contamination can come from employment in chemical, electronic or mining industries, etc.

Contamination by a wide assortment of heavy metals, including those listed above, can also come from untested water wells, untested natural spring water, industrial exposure, manufacturing, paints and dyes, jewelry, mining, soils, criminal intent, research exposure, unapproved chemicals, and the misapplication of approved chemicals.

General Principles: Poisoning: Merck Manual Professional

Heavy Metal Toxicity - Article by Samara Soghoian, MD, eMedicine.

Heavy Metal Toxicity - LifeExtension Online Reference for Health Concerns.

What Methods Are Used to Test for Heavy Metals?

Toxic heavy metals appear in the blood, urine, stool, hair, soft body tissues, organs and bones in the body of those who have been exposed to an unhealthy level of these metals. The symptoms generated in the body by these poisons give the first clue that contamination has occurred and help in the identification of the contaminant. Many people who are asymtomatic or have mild symptoms suffer a general malaise of declining health without ever knowing about heavy metal toxicity. Others have been hospitalized and some have died from heavy metal poisoning without ever knowing the cause. Buried cadavers have been exhumed during homicide investigations only to find they died from poisoning, not from the condition reported on the death certificate.

Many laboratories perform testing for toxic heavy metals. These tests always require a prescription from a doctor. Even with laboratory testing the diagnosis can be difficult in mild cases. The final diagnosis generally includes an analysis of the physical symptoms and laboratory results. Genova listed below is one of the popular laboratories that can perform these tests.

Genova Diagnostics - "Established in 1986 as Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory, our lab has helped pioneer the field of laboratory functional testing. Functional testing assesses the dynamic inter-relationship of physiological systems, thereby creating a more complete picture of one's health, unlike traditional allopathic testing, which is more concerned about the pathology of disease. By supporting the practitioner in identifying the root cause of chronic conditions, functional testing helps the practitioner to develop personalized interventions to assist patients in their quest for achieving lasting health."

Diagnostic Laboratory Testing for Wellness & Preventive Medicine - Genova Diagnostics.

Genova Diagnostics - Elemental Analysis - Packed Erythrocytes.

"With the enormous amounts of toxic metal in the environment and widespread nutrient mineral insufficiencies, assessing patients for element imbalances and excesses is increasingly important. Element testing provides a convenient and accurate window for gauging both long- and short-term toxic exposure and nutrient deficiencies. The test includes measures of pervasive and potentially damaging toxins such as lead, mercury and cadmium, along with crucial mineral nutrients like zinc, calcium, and magnesium. Element Analysis (hair) reports come with a special index that displays the likelihood of external contamination for each element, placing results into proper clinical perspective."

"Each sample (hair, blood, or urine) offers a unique vantage point for assessing element status in the body. Using these element assessments, the clinician can quickly pinpoint and treat toxic and nutrient imbalances that may be triggering chronic fatigue, depression, hyperactivity (children), "foggy" brain, stress, thyroid problems and many other health conditions."

Toxic Element Clearance Profile Testing - "This Toxic Element Clearance Profile measures urinary excretion of a diverse range of potentially harmful elements, both well known toxics such as lead and mercury, as well as new technology toxics such as niobium."

"Urine can be collected following the administration of a "challenge" agent (such as EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, and D-penicillamine) targeting specific toxic elements. Depending on the agent administered, urine collection may be spot or short-term (2-6 hours), intermediate (8-12 hours), or a complete 24-hour collection. Since many detoxification agents are element-specific, this approach is best utilized when the clinician suspects specific heavy metal toxicities. "Post-provocation" urine analysis is frequently used to confirm toxicity suggested by the Toxic Element Exposure Profile (hair)."

Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile Testing - "The Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile measures urinary excretion of 15 nutrient elements and 20 toxic metals. These include “classic” toxics such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, as well as newer technology toxics such as niobium. This is an ideal test for patients suspected of toxic metal exposure as well as potential nutrient mineral wasting."

Oxidative Stress Analysis 2.0 - "The Oxidative Stress Analysis 2.0 utilizes both blood or urine samples in order to evaluate the body’s oxidative stress status and antioxidant reserve. This test can help practitioners identify underlying causes and perpetuating factors for many clinical disorders and to customize specific treatment programs."

Hair Elemental Analysis - "Throughout the last century, advances in industrialization, manufacturing, and technology have resulted in ever-increasing amounts of toxic elements being released into the environment. From air pollution, tooth fillings, skin creams, and paint dyes, to batteries, seafood, vegetables, tap water, and dietary supplements, toxic exposure now commonly occurs through a multitude of diverse vectors. Most of these elements remain in the environment long after the original exposure source is gone."

"Over a lifetime, these toxic elements may accumulate inside the human body in tissue such as fat and bone, being broken down and eliminated very slowly. Eventually, this increasing toxic burden can trigger a variety of physical and cognitive disorders, including depression, anxiety, memory loss, and fatigue. Even at relatively low levels, toxic elements have the destructive capability to damage nerves and tissue. Strong clinical evidence points to their potential role in early neurodevelopment disorders, such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, as well as in neurodegenerative conditions of aging such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Heart disease, impaired kidney function, respiratory illness, weakened immune function, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and increased cancer risk have also been linked to chronic toxic element exposure."

"The Toxic Element Exposure Profile assesses levels of 22 potentially damaging elements using a hair sample. A substantial body of scientific literature supports hair analysis as an accurate, reliable gauge of long-term toxic exposure. Because hair follicles are exposed to the blood supply during growth, element concentrations in hair reflect concentration in other body tissues. Should levels be elevated, a variety of clinical and lifestyle interventions can be implemented to reduce toxic burden. Follow-up hair testing provides a good indication of long-term treatment effectiveness (after 3-4 months)."

Trace Elements, Inc. - Hair Analysis and Testing

What Methods Are Used to Detox Heavy Metal Contamination?

Chelation is the primary method used to remove toxic heavy metals from the body. Chelation is a term commonly seen in the discussion of heavy metal contamination. Chelating compounds, agents or molecules have the affinity for bonding metal ions with two or more of the atoms of the chelating agent. The resulting bond is stronger than the existing bond of the metal ion in the body. The chelator pulls the metal ion away from the body molecules and carries it away. Another important feature of a chelating agent is the ability to hold the metal ion while being discharged by the liver into the digestive tract or the kidneys into the urine. The metal ion must not be allowed to recycle from the intestinal tract back into the blood stream.

Toxic heavy metal ions can become captured within the body. Other ions are carried in the blood where they are captured or discharged by the liver or kidneys. Those ions discharged by the liver into the intestinal tract are often picked up again and recycled back into the blood. Some of the ions can remain in the urine and feces where they can be measured in the laboratory. Toxic heavy metal ions can be discharged from the body in feces, urine, hair, sweat and discarded skin cells.

Chelation of toxic heavy metals from the body can be accomplished by the use of intravenous chelators, oral chelators or by chelating vitamins, minerals and supplements. The following are the popular pharmaceutical chelators as mentioned by Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. at the Jean Piaget Department at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Klinghardt made the following presentation titled, "A Comprehensive Review of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Clinical Pearls from 30 Years of Medical Practice", at a conference held in October 2002 to physicians and dentists from Europe, Israel, several Arab countries and Asia.

A Comprehensive Review of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Clinical Pearls from 30 Years of Medical Practice by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD.

Pharmaceuticals that are generally administered orally or injected as an intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) drug are:

Dimercaprol (British Anti-Lewisite - BAL or dimercaptopropanol) was developed by the British during World War II as a chelation agent for arsenic (Lewisite arsenic poison used by the British and Germans) during trench warfare in World War I. It is administered via deep IM injections only for chelation of arsenic, mercury and lead. About 50% is rapidly metabolized to inactive metabolites.

DMSA (Dimercapto Succinic Acid) (Succimer) is available in intravenous (IV) form or oral form. Succimer is available in oral form as Chemet. DMSA is used to chelate heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic for removal from the body. It is not effective for other heavy metals. DMSA has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, and thus can remove heavy metals from the brain. DMSA should be used after any dental work related to amalgam (silver-mercury) fillings. DMSA can be used by people with existing amalgam fillings to remove mercury from the body tissue. Periodic treatments can be repeated as the existing amalgam fillings continue to leach mercury into the body.

DMPS (2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid) was developed in the Soviet Union in 1956 for the purpose of removing radioactive polonium 210 from contaminated workers in the nuclear industry. DMPS is also related to another chelating agent, Dimercaprol, listed above. DMPS is rarely used in the practice of medicine since the development of oral DMSA for the chelation of mercury, arsenic and lead.

Desferal (also known as Deferoxamine or Desferrioxamine) is a subcutaneous detox agent for the removal of aluminum and excess iron from the body. Desferal binds to free iron in the bloodstream for elimination in the urine. Excess iron can damage various organs of the body, including the liver, and has been implicated in coronary artery disease. Also see Desferal.

Na-EDTA or EDTA (Edetate Disodium) forms chelates with polyvalent metals, especially calcium, thus increasing their urinary excretion. EDTA is commonly used to chelate calcium from the arterial system and thereby reduce hardening of the arteries, but the claims are controversial.  It has also been found effective for the removal of aluminum and other metals. One possible disadvantage is the redistribution of toxic heavy metals to other areas of the body rather than completely removing them. More information is available at Gordon Research. Disodium EDTA has been used to increase nitric oxide in the arteries of diseased heart muscle. EDTA is not effective in the removal of mercury. Use Oral DMSA for mercury chelation.

Ca-EDTA (Edetate calcium disodium) exchanges the calcium atom with a heavy metal atom to form stable EDTA complexes that are excreted in urine. Ca-EDTA is therefore ineffective in the removal of calcium from the arterial system. Disodium EDTA should be used to treat hardening of the arteries.

Intravenous Vitamin C has been used by dentists to detoxify mercury from within the colon during amalgam removal. It is also used to detoxify lead and aluminum. Oral vitamin C is less effective because bowel tolerance reduces the amount that can be taken.

Penicillamine (Cuprimine or Depen) is a chelating drug primarily used to treat Wilson's disease (an inherited disorder affecting copper metabolism, causing cirrhosis of the liver as well as brain and eye problems) and rheumatoid arthritis. It removes excess copper and also binds to and removes iron. Penicillamine is normally only available with a doctor's prescription.

See Table 4 for IV Chelation Therapy: Merck Manual Professional

How are Diets Related to Toxic Heavy Metal Contamination?

Vegetarians will have you believe that eating fish, red meat, fowl and cheese greatly increases the risk of becoming contaminated with toxic heavy metals. They cite examples like mercury in ocean fish or cows eating grass that has been contaminated by agricultural chemicals. They sometimes cite examples of pesticide and herbicide ingestion as the source of heavy metals in supermarket meats. This is not the case. Actually, vegetarians are much more likely to be contaminated by toxic heavy metals for proven scientific reasons. Fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds commonly eaten by vegetarians can become easily contaminated by heavy metals occurring naturally in the soil or the air. Vegetarians are placed at higher risk because their diet contains fewer natural chelators than does the diet of meat-eaters as we shall see below. Whole grains and other high-carbohydrate foods hold toxic metal ions for release within the body. The high level of carbohydrates in the diet results in a heavy load of glucose in the blood, and glucose has no chelating properties. The high level of glucose causes a rise in insulin, which is a powerful anabolic hormone. The insulin forces glucose into the cells, turns excess glucose into triglycerides and deposits the triglycerides in the body as saturated fats. The anabolic nature of insulin opposes the catabolic nature of chelators. Eating meat detoxifies heavy metals from the body naturally using amino acids, but eating fruit and whole grains causes the accumulation of heavy metals and prevents their discharge.

Metallothioneins (MTs) are a family of cysteine-rich, low molecular weight, metal-binding proteins that are naturally synthesized within cells of the body. MTs regulate the levels of zinc, copper and selenium and bind to, or detoxify, cadmium, mercury, platinum and silver. MTs prevent reactive oxygen species (ROS or free radical ions such as heavy metals) from attacking the cell membrane lipids, mitochondrial DNA and damaging the ATP (energy) generation structure of the cell. This is also known as oxidative stress. Free radical attack of the cell DNA causes cancer. The production of MTs is dependent on the availability of dietary minerals such as zinc, copper and selenium, and the amino acids histidine and cysteine. A deficiency of these minerals and amino acids leads to a deficiency of metallothioneins and the accumulation of heavy metals. The vegetarian diet is naturally deficient in zinc and amino acids, thereby leading to a deficiency of protective metallothioneins resulting in heavy metal accumulation in adults and autism in infants. A diet to increase metallothioneins and reduce heavy metal contamination in children would certainly be beneficial, but the mother's poor diet during pregnancy has already done extensive damage to the baby's brain.

Diet, Supplements, and Autism Spectrum Diagnosis: Is There Therapeutic Value?

Vegetarian Diet Deficiencies Are a Proven Fact.

Dr. Klinghardt listed one of the independent risk factors for heavy metal contamination as being:

"High carbohydrate intake combined with protein malnutrition (especially in vegetarians)."

A Comprehensive Review of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Clinical Pearls from 30 Years of Medical Practice by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD.

Many of the amino acids found in the proteins of meat are good chelators. Red meat, fish, fowl and seafood are foods that provide natural chelators of toxic heavy metals. The diet presented here is abundant in protein from meat. The branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) in cows' whey amino acid protein isolates are also very good chelators of heavy metals. In addition, essential fatty acids, essential vitamins and essential minerals are good chelators. Antioxidants such as alpha lipoic acid and selenium are good chelating supplements. The diet program presented here contains all of these important natural chelators. Do not take soy protein because it does not have the required branched chain amino acids.

Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt made the following comments in his presentation at the 2002 conference referenced above.

Detox Methods

"There are many considerations in choosing detox agents.  After choosing the appropriate agent for the individual client and particular metal and exact chemical form of it, we have to consider the body compartment where the metal is stored.  For example, the algae chlorella is ideal for removing virtually all toxic metals from the gut but has too little effect on mercury stored in the brain.  Intravenous glutathione may reach the intracellular environment, even in the brain, but is fairly ineffective in removing mercury from the gut.  Each agent has a primary place of action, which determines when, how much and for how long it is used.  Agents that have multiple effects on compounds of different metals in the various body compartments are the basis for our detox program.  Most specific agents are used for special situations only."

High protein, mineral, fatty acid and fluid intake.


Most people think of special diets as a means of avoiding toxic heavy metal contamination and not as a source for decontamination. The organic, vegetarian lifestyle is a good example. Vegetarians tend to prefer organic foods exclusively. This "purest" attitude is simplistic and not scientifically sound. Vegetarians rarely understand the severe lack of natural chelators in their diets.

Exposing the Myths, Dangers, and Lies About Organic Food.

Many fruits and vegetables are classified as organic when in fact they cannot be produced without the application of insecticides. Apples are a good example. Those beautiful worm-free organic apples in the supermarket are a fraud. Apples cannot be grown without worm infestations. The opposite is true of other fruits and vegetables that are normally grown without any pesticides. These are naturally organic, and charging a higher price for the organic label is fraud.

The Organic Farming Myth.

A large percentage of the organic fruits and vegetables sold in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia are grown in other countries such as Mexico, Central America, South America and Southeast Asia. These crops are commonly sprayed with insecticides that are forbidden in the destination country. The fruits and vegetables are falsely classified as organic and routed through several middlemen before reaching the destination country. Not only are they not organic as classified, but they may have been sprayed with illegal cancer-causing insecticides. They may also contain toxic heavy metals. Buying organic fruits and vegetables may make you feel good emotionally, but it is an expensive lie.

Do-It-Yourself Heavy Metal Chelation Protocol

The American Medical Association (AMA) and most doctors recognize toxic heavy metal poisoning, and doctors are necessary in order to obtain laboratory testing. The doctors and laboratories have placed a lock on the system in order to prevent you from analyzing and treating your own health problems. These doctors generally recommend expensive and hazardous IV chelation while rejecting any protocol utilizing over-the-counter vitamins, minerals, supplements and diet.

Doctors who specialize in alternative medicine usually take a more flexible approach to toxic heavy metal poisoning. They often utilize nonprescription supplements in their treatments while ignoring diet. Some alternative medicine doctors recommend the vegetarian diet out of ignorance of the hazard, or they are religious vegetarians themselves. They should not be consulted for any of your health concerns.

Vitamin and health food stores generally emphasize vitamins, minerals and supplements, but they often ignore diet, meat, protein, amino acids, cod liver oil and colloidal minerals as good heavy metal chelating foods. These stores are either ignorant of the heavy metal health hazard of the vegetarian diet or suppress the information so as not to alienate their vegetarian customers. This web page bypasses all of these self-serving prejudices to present the best methods for improving your health.

Step No. 1 - Toxic Heavy Metal Prevention and Normal Contamination Detox Protocol.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt stated in the above references, that the high-carbohydrate diet as recommended by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid promotes the accumulation of toxic heavy metals that have been unknowingly ingested. Dr. Klinghardt also stated that the high-carbohydrate, protein-deficient vegetarian diet promotes the accumulation of toxic heavy metals. He recommends that the diet to prevent the accumulation and elimination of toxic heavy metals from the body is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet as recommended here.

The following diet program has abundant amounts of natural chelators from the food and supplements including:

Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.

The following diet provides nearly all of the natural, healthy chelators for increasing the natural discharge of toxic heavy metals from the body.

Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cholesterol Science.

Click here to see the "Foods We Should Eat."

Click here to see the "Foods That Are Absolutely Forbidden."

High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate Diet
High-protein, low-carbohydrate breakfast. Chicken Lunch. High-protein, low-carbohydrate dinner.
High-Protein, Low-Carb Breakfast
Two eggs fried in refined coconut oil topped with Swiss cheese. Half an avocado. Tomato juice with one level teaspoon L-glutamine amino acid, one heaping teaspoon of low-carb whey protein powder and one capful of colloidal minerals. One tablespoon Carlson's lemon-flavored cod liver oil. Vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb Lunch
Left-over baked chicken with stewed combination of eggplant and tomatoes. Reverse osmosis water. Vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb Dinner
7-bone beef roast cooked in a Crock-pot with diced tomatoes. Reverse osmosis drinking water. Vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Click picture to enlarge.

Burger Breakfast. Lamb Lunch. Salmon Dinner.
High-Protein, Low-Carb Breakfast
100% ground beef fried in coconut oil topped with Swiss cheese. Add fried mushrooms and boiled asparagus. Reverse osmosis water, potassium chloride salt substitute, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb Lunch
Gas-grilled lamb riblets. Shoulder steaks are also very good. Cooked red peppers and tomatoes. Reverse osmosis water, cod liver oil, potassium chloride salt substitute, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb Dinner
Baked farm-raised salmon fillet with boiled asparagus. Always enjoy real butter on cooked vegetables. Reverse osmosis water, potassium chloride salt substitute, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Click picture to enlarge.

The following web page lists most of the vitamins, minerals and supplements that must be taken in addition to the diet recommendations. This web page has links to the currently recommended online sources.

My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.

Calcium / Magnesium Balance - Contrary to the standard nutritional myth, most people consume an excess amount of calcium while suffering from a deficiency of magnesium. The hard cheese recommended in the diet program presented here contains more than an ample amount of calcium, and the vitamin program contains supplemental magnesium. Do not take extra calcium tables if you eat the hard cheese.

Sodium / Potassium Balance - Sodium is very destructive to the mineral balance in the body, and most people receive an excessive amount of unhealthy sodium from common table salt in processed foods. Potassium is generally deficient in most people's diet. Therefore, you should restrict salt in the diet program presented here and add supplemental potassium by using Morton's Salt Substitute (potassium chloride). Do not use other brands that may contain monopotassium glutamate.

Step No. 2 - Recommended Additional Chelation Herbal Protocol.

Notice! The supplements recommended in this step are unlikely to produce any negative symptoms.

In addition to the above, the following supplement should also be taken.

Essence of Pure Cilantro - According to Dr. Klinghardt, "This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system."

  • Essence of Pure Cilantro supports the natural liver detoxification system and heart function.

  • Essence of Pure Cilantro supports the P450 enzyme system for
    heavy metal detoxification.

  • Essence of Pure Cilantro supports organ function, including the
    pancreas and intestines. It also stimulates the flow of digestive
    juices. This is the true mountain-grown cilantro.

Essence Of Pure Cilantro by North American Herb Spice -

Serving: Add one (1) tablespoon to the tomato juice and protein drink recommended in the diet program above. It also gives the tomato juice a nice Mexican salsa flavor. Also add the colloidal minerals to this drink. It is best taken with breakfast because Step No. 3 below is to be done in the late evening.

Step No. 3 - Detox Protocol for More Effective Chelation

Notice! The supplements recommended in this step are unlikely to produce any negative symptoms.

The following proven chelation process is recommended for anyone with a suspected or known contamination from toxic heavy metals. Healthy people can also add the following protocol on a periodic or annual basis to insure that heavy metals are removed from the body. This step is in addition to steps number 1 and 2 above. The entire program must be followed carefully for healing.

Steps number 1 through 3 are recommended for preventing and treating other health problems in addition to toxic heavy metal contamination, including coronary artery disease, carotid artery disease, hypertension, fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, leg ulcers, enlarged prostate, damaged nerves, multiple sclerosis, eye problems, chronic ear infections, sinus problems, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, fibrocystic breast disease, Lupus, polymyalgia rheumatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine headaches and general anti-aging. The following websites have more details about this chelation protocol.

Oral Chelation Therapy for Improving Health.

Serrapeptase Information.

LE Magazine, September 2003 - All About Supplements: Serrapeptase: The Natural Anti-Inflammatory.

Select either Ca-EDTA or LipoPhos EDTA below. Ca-EDTA is less expensive but does not chelate calcium from the arteries. Ca-EDTA may not be as effective as LipoPhos EDTA for heavy metal chelation.

Ca-EDTA (Calcium Disodium EDTA) exchanges the calcium atom with a heavy metal atom to form stable EDTA complexes that are excreted in the urine. Ca-EDTA is therefore ineffective in the removal of calcium from the arterial system. Disodium EDTA should be used to treat hardening of the arteries. Ca-EDTA is also ineffective in crossing the intestinal barrier, and only 5% to 15% is able to enter the blood. This is compensated for by having a higher dose of Ca-EDTA in the capsules. Ca-EDTA is not effective in the removal of mercury. Use Oral DMSA in Step No. 4 below for mercury chelation. Ca-EDTA is much less expensive than LipoPhos EDTA. More information is available at Gordon Research.

LipoPhos EDTA (Disodium EDTA plus Essential Phospholipids) is an awesome product. It forms chelates with polyvalent metals, especially calcium, thus increasing their urinary excretion. EDTA is commonly used to chelate calcium from the arterial system and thereby reduce hardening of the arteries, but the claims are controversial.  It has also been found effective for the removal of aluminum and other metals. One possible disadvantage is the redistribution of toxic heavy metals to others areas of the body rather than complete removal. Disodium EDTA has been used to increase nitric oxide in the arteries of diseased heart muscle. EDTA is not effective in the removal of mercury. Use Oral DMSA in Step No. 4 below for mercury chelation.

Allergy Research Lipo-Phos EDTA Product Sheet

"LipoPhos EDTA offers primary support for the health of the circulatory system. LipoPhos EDTA contains Essential Phospholipids (EPL), which may play an important role in supporting LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and serum triglycerides within normal levels, and in supporting healthy HDL cholesterol within normal levels. The essential polyunsaturated fatty acids in LipoPhos EDTA can 'fluidize' the cellular membrane repair function. This is of key importance in keeping our cells youthful, and supports the function of the liver, the nerves, and the circulatory and immune systems. EPL has a liposomal structure of tiny cell like structures, in the nanometer size range, that can get through the acidic stomach and then easily absorb from the intestinal tract. The oral delivery system of EPL offers both protection and delivery of their valuable nutrients, approaching the intravenous level of assimilation. When EDTA is encapsulated in EPL microspheres, as in this product, even large doses (2 grams or more) do not produce diarrhea, and over 90% of the EDTA enters the blood stream."

Caution: LipoPhos EDTA or DMSA could cause an abnormally low level of potassium leading to symptoms of fainting, low blood pressure and chest pains. Low potassium can be a life-threatening situation by causing a heart attack. Drink Campbell's low-sodium tomato juice which is fortified with potassium. Consult a doctor immediately if any of these symptoms are encountered.

Life-Threatening Electrolyte Abnormalities.

Low Potassium- eMedicineHealth.

Low Potassium - HealthSquare.

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the micro-organism Serratia E15. This enzyme is naturally processed commercially today through fermentation and was discovered in the silkworm intestine. This immunologically active enzyme is completely bound to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in biological fluids. Histological studies reveal powerful anti-inflammatory effects of this naturally-occurring enzyme. Serrapeptase digests nonliving tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms. The late German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper, used Serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports that Serrapeptase dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. Dr. Nieper told of a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man scheduled for bypass surgery who both recovered quickly without surgery after treatment with Serrapeptase.

Do not take serrapeptase with prescription blood thinning drugs.

Nattokinase by Doctor's Best (2000 FU), or

Nattokinase NSK-SD® 50 mg (2000 FU) by Allergy Research Group.

Science Behind Nattokinase - "Doctor Hiroyuki Sumi had long researched thrombolytic enzymes searching for a natural agent that could successfully dissolve thrombus associated with cardiac and cerebral infarction (blood clots associated with heart attacks and stroke), and can degrade fibrin, which coagulates prior to full clot formation. Sumi discovered nattokinase in 1980 while working as a researcher and majoring in physiological chemistry at Chicago University Medical School."

Do not take nattokinase with prescription blood thinning drugs.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) Sustain is a time release amino acid. N-acetyl cysteine is one of three sulfur-containing amino acids. This essential amino acid acts as an antioxidant, and detoxifies many harmful chemicals including those from cigarette smoke, pollution and alcohol, as well as copper and heavy toxic metals. Cysteine binds to heavy metals for removal from the body. Additional information and an alternate source can be found at


Do not take with food. Eat dinner at 6:00 PM. Drink only reverse osmosis water thereafter. Take the following at 8:00 PM with reverse osmosis water only. Sometimes pills can plug the outlet of the stomach causing an acid stomach sensation. If so, lie on the left side and agitate the abdominal area. Stay upright for at least an hour after taking them. Go to sleep on the right side so the stomach outlet is down. People with liver problems or women who are pregnant should consult their doctor before taking these products. Continue the following protocol for one month followed by a one-month rest. Repeat the protocol as desired or as necessary. Choose between Ca-EDTA or LipoPhos EDTA as discussed above. An alternate time schedule is to take the supplements at 3:00 PM between lunch and dinner without having an afternoon snack.

Ca-EDTA - Males should take three (3) 500 mg capsules per day for one month. Females should take two (2) capsules per day for one month. Reduce to one capsule per day thereafter as a maintenance program if desired. Up to 1000 mg per 35 pounds of body weight (4000 mg for a 140 pound person) per day has been suggested in a study by Abbott Laboratories for treating asymptomatic lead intoxication.

Important - Ca-EDTA removes trace minerals from the digestive tract. Therefore, supplementation with the colloidal minerals as listed below is essential to prevent deficiencies.

LipoPhos EDTA - Males should take 1 fl. oz. (30 ml) twice a week (say, Monday and Thursday) for one month. Females should take 1/2 fl. oz. (15 ml) twice a week for one month. Rest for one month before repeating the protocol. Repeat this cycle several times as needed or desired.

Important - Refrain from taking any vitamins, supplements, serrapeptase, N-acetyl cysteine, cilantro, colloidal minerals, potassium salt, tomato juice or other seasoned foods for 24 hours after taking the LipoPhos. Eat acceptable meat, fowl, fish, seafood and low-carb vegetables. Coffee and tea are also OK. LipoPhos EDTA removes trace minerals from the digestive tract. Therefore, after 24 hours supplement the diet with vitamins plus the recommendations listed below, including colloidal minerals, which are essential in the prevention of mineral deficiencies.

Caution: LipoPhos EDTA could cause an abnormally low level of potassium leading to symptoms of fainting, low blood pressure and chest pains. Low potassium can be a life-threatening situation by causing a heart attack. Consult a doctor immediately if any of these symptoms are encountered.

Life-Threatening Electrolyte Abnormalities.

Low Potassium- eMedicineHealth.

Low Potassium - HealthSquare.

Serrapeptase - Males should take two (2) 40,000 IU capsules per day for one month. Females should take one (1) capsule per day for one month. Serrapeptase can cause dryness to the mouth and mucous membranes.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - Males should take three (3) 600 mg capsules per day for one month. Females should take two (2) capsules per day for one month. Reduce to one capsule per day thereafter as a maintenance program if desired.

Cilantro - Males should add two (2) tablespoons of cilantro as specified in Step No. 2 above to the water. Females should add one (1) tablespoon of cilantro.

Colloidal Minerals - Males should take a 1 oz (30 ml) serving of colloidal minerals as listed here or on the following web page with reverse osmosis water or low-sodium tomato juice with a meal three times a day for one month as a replacement for the essential trace minerals lost during chelation. Reduce to one serving per day thereafter as a maintenance program. Females should take slightly less.

My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.

Step No. 4 - Advanced Detox Protocol for a Serious Toxic Heavy Metal Contamination.

Notice! DMSA recommended in this step could produce negative symptoms. See the comments listed for Succimer, which also has the brand name Chemet in the USA.

DMSA (Dimercapto Succinic Acid) can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. While cases of acute lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium poisoning are rare, they do require immediate treatment. Fortunately however, there are safe and effective ways to chelate or remove these harmful substances from the body. DMSA, or Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid, is a very effective chelation method. DMSA is a sulfhydryl-containing compound that binds to metallic elements within the blood and removes them from the body. DMSA is a potent chelator of mercury. This water-soluble, non-toxic, orally-administered substance has been in use as an antidote for heavy metal toxicity since the 1950s. Recent clinical use has substantiated DMSA's effectiveness and overall safety as one of the premier metal chelation compounds.

DMSA chelates heavy metals from the soft body tissue. It does not remove mercury from amalgam fillings as commonly claimed. It does not distribute mercury from the amalgam filling to other areas of the body as erroneously claimed. Amalgam fillings are separated from the blood system and therefore, out of reach of the DMSA. The DMSA also binds tightly to the mercury once it is encountered and removed from the soft body tissue. The DMSA will not release the mercury in another area of the body. Oral DMSA enters the bloodstream through the digestive tract and is carried throughout the body. It can circulate throughout the soft tissue of the jaw and thereby remove mercury that has accumulated after leaching from dental amalgams. Therefore, the use of DMSA by people with amalgam fillings is perfectly safe and highly recommended.

Caution: The combination of LipoPhos EDTA and DMSA could cause an abnormally low level of potassium leading to symptoms of fainting, low blood pressure and chest pains. Low potassium can be a life-threatening situation by causing a heart attack. Consult a doctor immediately if any of these symptoms are encountered.

Life-Threatening Electrolyte Abnormalities.

Low Potassium- eMedicineHealth.

Low Potassium - HealthSquare.

Step numbers 1 and 2 above must be taken with DMSA to insure essential mineral replacement during the protocol. Step number 3 above is also recommended. The combination of EDTA and DMSA has been shown to be more effective than DMSA alone, although the EDTA can be omitted when taking the DMSA.


Do not take DMSA with food. Eat dinner at 6:00 PM. Drink only reverse osmosis water thereafter. Take the following at 8:00 PM with reverse osmosis water only. People with liver problems or women who are pregnant should consult their doctor before taking these products. An alternate time schedule is to take the supplements at 3:00 PM between lunch and dinner without having an afternoon snack.

DMSA - Males should take three (3) 100 mg capsules per day on an empty stomach every other day for one month, followed by a month rest period. Repeat the protocol for several more cycles, as necessary. Females should take two (2) capsules per day. Do not take on a maintenance or continual basis.

Important - DMSA removes trace minerals from the digestive tract and body. Therefore, supplementation with colloidal minerals listed below is essential to prevent deficiencies.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) - Take one (1) 1000 mg capsule with each meal plus one capsule with the DMSA. MSM supplies extra organic sulfur that prevents the body from metabolizing the DMSA.

Cilantro - Males should add two (2) tablespoon of cilantro as specified in Step No. 2 above to the water. Females should add one (1) tablespoon of cilantro.

Colloidal Minerals - Take one serving of colloidal minerals as listed on the following web page with a meal three times a day on those days when DMSA is not taken as a replacement for the essential trace minerals. Reduce to one serving per day thereafter as a maintenance program.

My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.

Common Heavy Metal Myths and Detox Treatments to Avoid

Farm raised salmon and other farm raised fish do not have mercury contamination. Don't believe the lies.

Regular supermarket fruits and vegetables most likely do not have heavy metal contamination, and organic fruits and vegetables are not necessarily uncontaminated. See the comments below explaining why organic foods could pose a higher risk than regularly grown foods.

Exposing the Myths, Dangers, and Lies About Organic Food.

Feedlot beef does not increase the risk of heavy metal contamination, and grass-fed, organic beef is not better than commercial feedlot beef.

Myths, Distortions, and Lies About Beef.

Many of the negative comments about amalgam dental fillings are wildly exaggerated. Yes, the mercury in amalgam does enter the body, but many of the ailments attributed to mercury are false. Do not get new amalgam dental fillings, and do not remove the old ones. One holistic vegetarian nutritionist claimed his hair loss was caused by mercury contamination from his amalgam fillings which he recently had removed. This claim is false. Mercury does not cause hair loss. Perhaps his holistic diet gave him cancer which had been treated with chemotherapy, and he was using mercury as a scapegoat to hide the health problem caused by his vegetarian diet.

Aluminum is not the cause of Alzheimer's disease as commonly claimed. The fact that Alzheimer's disease (or dementia) is epidemic and expected to get much worse is no surprise. Carbohydrates are the primary cause of Alzheimer's Disease. The USDA Food Guide Pyramid contains an outrageously high percentage of carbohydrates and more and more people are attempting to follow the guidelines. The most damaging foods are fruit, whole grains and sugar. Carbohydrates cause an increase in the level of blood insulin which is a very powerful anabolic hormone. The function of insulin is to force glucose into cells for energy, convert excess glucose to fatty acids and to deposit those fats in the body for storage. Insulin has many negative and very unhealthy side effects. Insulin also forces glycated low-density lipoproteins (LDL), glycated hemoglobin, glycated protein and oxidized polyunsaturated omega-6 vegetable fatty acids into the wall of the arteries, causing heart disease and other artery diseases. Hyperinsulinemia (high blood insulin level) and hyperglycemia (high blood glucose level) creates glycated protein molecules that are deposited outside and around nerve cells, thereby causing Alzheimer's disease. Glycation occurs when polysaccharide molecule chains (complex carbohydrates also called glycans) are attached to another molecule such as LDL, protein, or hemoglobin. Carbohydrates cause Alzheimer's disease, not eating meat or animal fats. Eating the following foods are the cause Alzheimer's disease.

Study With Mice Shows the High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diet Improves Alzheimer's Disease and Most Likely Will Prevent Alzheimer's Disease.

The following is a list of some commonly recommended detox treatments for heavy metal contamination that should be avoided because of their side effects or ineffectiveness.

Chlorella is a green algae product that has been highly touted as a heavy metal chelator along with a broad assortment of other beneficial health claims. Chlorella is not recommended because it causes stomach pain and discomfort. The benefits are not justified given all of the other detox treatments available. The causes for the intestinal tract discomforts are unknown.

Garlic is a vegetable or herb that is also touted highly as a wonder super food. Some of these claims could be true, but the terrible body and mouth odor produced by people who eat garlic is simply not worth the benefits. Garlic that has been deodorized has lost these beneficial properties. Do not take garlic as a heavy metal detox agent, and don't eat garlic for any other health reason.

Acupuncture does not remove toxic heavy metals nor does it prevent the damage to the body that can be done by toxic heavy metals. Acupuncture also raises the risks of contraction a deadly disease such as hepatitis C or HIV. Do not bother with acupuncture. It is dangerous and ineffective.

Psychotherapy does nothing whatsoever in reducing the toxic effects of heavy metal contamination. Mental therapy may cause a person to accept his condition more easily, but that is a negative response. Psychotherapy may cause a person to avoid taking positive detoxing steps as outlined here.

Vegetarian diets are actually the cause of increased heavy metal contamination, not the cure.

Chinese medicine and herbal products have frequently been found to be contaminated by heavy metals. Avoid these herbal medical products as a general rule. They do not detoxify heavy metals as commonly claimed. DMSA listed above was developed in China to treat toxic heavy metal contamination because ancient Chinese medicine and herbs do not work.

Fasting and fruit fasting are both detrimental to one's health and should never be used in an attempt to detoxify the body. Fasting and fruit fasting can seriously harm your health and do not remove any toxins from the body.

Flushes of the colon, liver or gallbladder as commonly advised in many alternative medicine resources are detrimental to one's health and should never be used in an attempt to detoxify the body. The exceptions here are the approved medical procedures used by a physician.

Antiperspirants do not cause aluminum poisoning.

Aloe should not be used in an attempt to detoxify heavy metals.

Noni juice should not be used in an attempt to detoxify heavy metals.

Green tea does not detoxify heavy metals. Don't believe the tea salesmen.

Alfalfa sprouts and barley greens should not be used in an attempt to detoxify heavy metals.

Zeolites should not be used in an attempt to detoxify heavy metals. Products labeled "liquid zeolite" often claim that they detoxify heavy metal contamination from the body. These claims are not true. Zeolites do not detoxify heavy metals from the body. You can never be sure what you are taking because there are so many different chemical structures in the zeolite category. All zeolite molecules are much too large to pass through the intestinal lining into the blood. They never reach the body. The brain/blood barrier is even more restrictive. Therefore, they never have the opportunity to detoxify the body or the brain. Liquid zeolites do not perform any healthy function in the body. All of the claims are false. Zeolites can be harmful in several ways. Liquid zeolites contain toxic heavy metals themselves, such as aluminum. Liquid zeolite can upset the healthy balance of minerals in the body by stripping essential trace minerals out of the food in the intestinal tract. Zeolites can scavenge healthy minerals from food, such as magnesium and potassium that already tend to be deficient in most people. Zeolites tend to scavenge iron from the food we eat. This is especially undesirable in younger women and those who are already anemic. Do not waste your money on liquid zeolites that could be harmful. If you have a high level of iron, simply give blood.

Bentonite clay should not be used in an attempt to detoxify heavy metals. Do not take bentonite clay as a heavy metal detox supplement. These products have the same problems as zeolites listed above. They can cause harm by removing essential minerals from the food.

Colloidal silver should not be used in an attempt to detoxify heavy metals.

Fiber supplements, such as psyllium, and high-fiber foods are often touted as having the ability to remove toxins from the digestive tract. However, the negative side effects suggest that fiber not be used. Fiber supplements and high-fiber foods feed pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, especially the colon.

Dietary Fiber Theory. Scientific Proof Fiber in the Diet is Unhealthy.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida, and Others.

Hyaluronic Acid has been implicated in colon cancer and should be avoided.

Hyaluronan mediates adhesion of metastatic colon carcinoma cells.

"These data suggest that HA promotes adhesion to laminin and may thereby facilitate invasion of the basement membrane and metastasis in colon carcinoma."

Mercury Contamination

Symptoms - Mild symptoms or no symptoms whatsoever are produced from mercury contamination from amalgam dental fillings. The cause and effect link between mild mercury contamination and poor health is difficult to prove. For this reason, the health risk from amalgam fillings is hotly debated. Hair loss is not a symptom of mercury contamination from amalgam fillings as commonly claimed. Acute mercury poisoning causes psychological, neurological and immunological problems in all humans. Common acute symptoms are:

RAIS - Mercury Toxicity Summary.

Caries: Common Dental Disorders: Merck Manual Professional

Mercury Toxicity and Systemic Elimination Agents by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.

Testing - Blood tests are best for elemental mercury, and stool tests are best for methylmercury contamination.

Genova Diagnostics - GDX Elemental Analysis Assessment.

Comments - Follow the detox diet protocol listed above with DMSA, the oral chelator of choice. Medical testing and diagnoses may suggest a more aggressive IV chelation therapy to remove higher levels of mercury that have built up in a person's body over time. Removal of amalgam dental fillings is not warranted in most people. Avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tile fish. All other fish and all other meats are acceptable.

Analytical Research Labs, Inc. - Phoenix, AZ - Hair Testing.

Lead Contamination

Symptoms - Lead toxicity effects the central nervous system. Common serious symptoms are:

  • Central nervous system symptoms can include tremors, mood changes, aggression, seizures, coma, and learning disabilities, and mental retardation in children.

  • Peripheral nervous system symptoms can include tremors, reduced coordination and loss of muscular control. Walking gait is not normal.

  • Renal failure or kidney failure in which the kidneys fail to function properly.

  • Cardiovascular disease can be caused or aggravated by lead toxicity.

  • Fertility can be decreased.

  • Bones accumulate and store lead that can later circulate throughout the body.

  • Gastrointestinal systems can be constipation, cramping and chronic abdominal pain.

RAIS - Lead Toxicity Summary.

Lead Poisoning: Poisoning: Merck Manual Professional

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Lead poisoning.

Testing - Read the following web pages for detailed information about blood tests and normal values.

Genova Diagnostics - GDX Elemental Analysis Assessment.

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Lead levels - blood tests.

Comments - Follow the detox diet protocol listed above. Medical testing and diagnoses may suggest a more aggressive IV chelation therapy to remove higher levels of lead that have built up in a person's body over time. Find and eliminate the source.

EDTA Chelation of Lead Study - Aggressive approach in the treatment of acute lead encephalopathy with an extraordinarily high concentration of lead.

Succimer is a lead chelator. It works by trapping lead in the body and removing it in the urine. A doctor's prescription is required.

Analytical Research Labs, Inc. - Phoenix, AZ - Hair Testing.

Arsenic Contamination

Symptoms - Arsenic toxicity effects the central nervous system in a similar manner as lead, but the gastrointestinal symptoms are generally more severe. Common serious symptoms are:

  • Central nervous system symptoms can include tremors, mood changes, aggression, clammy sweats, seizures, delirium, mental confusion and coma.

  • Peripheral nervous system symptoms can include tremors, reduced coordination and loss of control.

  • Renal failure (or kidney failure) in which the kidneys fail to function properly.

  • Gastrointestinal systems can be diarrhea, constipation, thirst, greenish or yellowish vomiting, cramping and chronic abdominal pain. Dryness of throat. Difficulty in swallowing.

  • Urination can be painful.

RAIS - Arsenic Toxicity Summary.

Arsenic and General Principles: Poisoning: Merck Manual Professional

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Arsenic poisoning.

Testing - Read the following web pages for detailed information about blood tests and normal values.

Diagnostic Laboratory Testing for Wellness & Preventive Medicine - Genova Diagnostics.

Comments - Follow the detox diet protocol listed above. Medical testing and diagnoses may suggest other treatments as well. Arsenic is normally discharged from the body naturally. A significant reading suggests a recent contamination or an ongoing contamination. Find and eliminate the source.

Analytical Research Labs, Inc. - Phoenix, AZ - Hair Testing.

World facing 'arsenic timebomb' from arsenic in water and rice - BBC News - August 30, 2007.

Rice grown in Southeast Asia could be contaminated from cancer-causing arsenic found naturally in the soil and water.

"Eating large amounts of rice grown in affected areas could also be a health risk, scientists said."

"Arsenic consumption leads to higher rates of some cancers, including tumours of the lung, bladder and skin, and other lung conditions. Some of these effects show up decades after the first exposure. "

Cadmium Contamination

Cadmium Can Cause Cancer of the Pancreas, Liver, Prostate, Kidneys Lungs, and Breasts.

Symptoms - The inhalation of cadmium fumes and other types of exposure can cause sever symptoms as follows:

  • Flu like symptoms including muscle ache, fever and chills.

  • Bronchitis and pulmonary edema occurs with severe exposure along with a cough, headache, fever, chills, dryness of the throat and nose, and chest pains.

  • Renal failure (or kidney failure) in which the kidneys fail to function properly.

  • Hepatic failure (or liver failure) in which the liver fails to function properly.

  • Cancer can be caused by compounds of cadmium.

RAIS - Cadmium Toxicity Summary.

Cadmium Poisoning -

Testing - Read the following web page for detailed information about blood tests and normal values.

Diagnostic Laboratory Testing for Wellness & Preventive Medicine - Genova Diagnostics.

Comments - Follow the detox diet protocol listed above. Medical testing and diagnoses may suggest a more aggressive IV chelation therapy to remove higher levels of cadmium that have built up in a person's body over time. Find and eliminate the source.

Analytical Research Labs, Inc. - Phoenix, AZ - Hair Testing.

Nickel Contamination

Symptoms - Read the following web page for detailed information about symptoms.

RAIS - Nickel and Nickel Compounds Toxicity Summary.

Testing - Read the following web page for detailed information about blood tests and normal values.

Diagnostic Laboratory Testing for Wellness & Preventive Medicine - Genova Diagnostics.

Comments - Follow the detox diet protocol listed above. Medical testing and diagnoses may suggest a more aggressive IV chelation therapy to remove higher levels of nickel that have built up in a person's body over time. Find and eliminate the source.

Analytical Research Labs, Inc. - Phoenix, AZ - Hair Testing.

Iron Contamination

Symptoms - Iron is an essential metal that must be kept within a healthy range. Low iron gives symptoms of fatigue and low energy. High iron many not present any symptoms whatsoever. Meat contains heme iron in which the iron is attached to hemoglobin. This is the good form that the body uses. Excess heme iron can be easily discharged. Non-heme iron or elemental iron ions are found in vegetables and grains. Non-heme iron is subject to oxidation. This is the unhealthy form of iron that has been shown to contribute to heart disease.

Iron Poisoning: Poisoning: Merck Manual Professional

Testing - Iron levels are normally always included in common blood tests.

Diagnostic Laboratory Testing for Wellness & Preventive Medicine - Genova Diagnostics.

Comments - Children can suffer iron poisoning by overdosing on the parent's iron tablet. Iron poisoning is the leading cause of poisoning deaths in children. Symptoms begin with acute gastroenteritis followed by a quiescent period resulting in shock and hepatic failure. Diagnosis is by measuring serum iron, detecting radiopaque iron tablets in the GI tract, or detecting unexplained metabolic acidosis in patients with other findings suggesting iron poisoning. Treatment for a substantial ingestion is usually whole-bowel irrigation and chelation therapy with IV deferoxamine.

Excess iron is easily reduced in less serious cases by simply giving blood.

Analytical Research Labs, Inc. - Phoenix, AZ - Hair Testing.

Nuclear Radiation Contamination From an Accident or Nuclear Bomb 

Symptoms - Problem throughout the body, vomiting, high heart rate, aches, bleeding gums, blood in stool, blood in urine, and etc.

Testing - Geiger counter or other nuclear test equipment.

Treatment - Take potassium iodine tables or drops prior to the exposure. This fills the thyroid gland with healthy iodine. After exposure as from a nuclear accident or nuclear bomb, the radioactive iodine cannot enter the thyroid gland and is flushed from the body naturally in the urine or stool. This prevents the leading cause of death from nuclear radiation contamination.

The Risk of Radiation Exposure

"In news reports, you will often hear of plans to distribute “iodine.” In fact, the pill that is used is potassium iodide. Iodine is essential to proper function of the thyroid gland and the thyroid will absorb radioactive iodine; iodine is given because it will fill the space in the thyroid and prevent radioactive material from being absorbed.

There’s a catch, though: “It only works if you take the potassium iodide tables before being exposed to radioactive iodine,” Dr. McNeill said. So the pills need to be distributed and taken before a leak occurs.

People who suffer from radiation sickness, meaning they have ingested or absorbed significant quantities of radioactive material (of which there are several kinds) can be treated with drugs called filgrastim (brand name Neupogen) or pegfilgrastim (Neulasta). These blood-derived medications stimulate the growth of white blood cells and help people fight off infections.

Prussian blue is a dye that binds to the radioactive elements cesium and thallium and helps the body excrete them. Another drug, DTPA (Diethylene Triamine Penta Acetic Acid) acts in a similar manner to help clear the body of the radioactive elements plutonium, americium and curium."

Treatment for Nuclear Contamination

This information is good for nuclear accidents from uranium nuclear power plant accidents and dirty terrorist's nuclear contamination.

Other Metals, Chemicals and Compounds

NOTE: Although the toxicity values presented in the formal and condensed toxicity profiles were correct at the time they were produced, these values are subject to change. Users should refer to the RAGS Part A format for the current toxicity values and information.


Select a Profile

Analyte CAS Number
Condensed Version RAGs, Part A Format
Acenaphthene 83329




Acetone 67641


Aluminum 7429905


Anthracene 120127


Antimony (metallic) 7440360


Aroclor-1254 11097691


Aroclor-1260 11096825


Arsenic 7440382


Asbestos 1332214


Barium 7440393


Benzo[a]pyrene 50328


Benz[a]anthracene 56553


Benzene 71432


Benzo[b]fluoranthene 205992
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 207089 Formal
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 191242


Beryllium 7440417


Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 117817


Bromoform 75252


Cadmium 7440439


Carbon Tetrachloride 56235
Chlordane 57749
Chloroform 67663


Chromium 7440473


Chromium III 16065831
Chromium VI 18540299
Chrysene 218019


Copper 7440508


Cyanide 57125


Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 53703


Dichloroethylene, 1,1- 75354 Formal
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106467


1,1-Dichloroethane 75343


1,2-Dichloroethane 107062


1,2-Dichloroethylene 540590


cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 156592
2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121142


2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606202


Ethylbenzene 100414


Fluoranthene 206440


Heptachlor 76448


Heptachlor Epoxide 1024573


Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 193395


Lead 7439921


Lithium 7439932


Manganese 7439965


Mercury 7439976


Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 108101


Methylene Chloride 75092


Methyl Mercury 2269926


Molybdenum 7439987


Naphthalene 91203


Nickel and Nickel Compounds 7440020


Nitrates 14797558


Nitrobenzene 98953


Pentachlorophenol 87865


Phenanthrene 85018


Pyrene 129000


Selenium 7782492


Silver 7440224


Strontium-90 10098972


Sulfate 14808798


1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 79345


Tetrachloroethylene 127184


Thallium 7440280


Toluene 108883


1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71556


1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79005


Trichloroethene 79016


Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine 479458


2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene 118967


Vanadium 7440622


Vinyl Chloride 75014


Xylene 1330207


Zinc 7440666



Titanium - A small percentage of people are allergic to titanium even though it us often used in implants throughout the body.

Titanium - MELISA Foundation

Healthy Dentistry - Implant Pros and Cons


Symptoms - Check the links above to closely review your symptoms for each heavy metal that is of concern.

Medical Attention - Seek a physician with knowledge in heavy metal contamination if your symptoms indicate a serious heavy metal contamination. Insist on laboratory testing before submitting to extensive treatments.

Testing - Obtain tests from a reliable, independent testing laboratory. Avoid tests run by vegetarians, holistic nutritionists or those who benefit from the sale of chelating drugs or supplements. They could be perfectly reliable, but many scam artists profit from the current heavy metal paranoia. Vegetarian medical practitioners may very well diagnose your heavy metal contamination, but they will not recommend the proper diet to assist in your healing.

Detox Program - Many physicians may not appreciate the importance of diet and supplements as presented here. You may elect the "do-it-yourself" detox protocol when the tests show your contamination is mild. In any case, the diet program recommended here is best for everyone, including perfectly healthy individuals.

The following web page lists heavy metal contamination ranges where IV chelation must be performed by your physician. Detoxing high levels of other heavy metals may require IV chelation as well.

Lead Poisoning: Poisoning: Merck Manual Professional

Elimination of Source - Don't forget to identify and eliminate the source of your contamination. This may require getting your drinking water tested, installing a reverse osmosis with UV lamp water treatment system as specified in the diet program above, changing employment or moving to another location. You may be able to get a copy of your local water test free by contacting your local water supply company directly. Water produced by the reverse osmosis process is the best. Do not depend on supermarket "spring water", distilled water or similar substitutes that can have mineral imbalances. The diet program above restores minerals to the proper balance.

The Latest News About Heavy Metals Testing and Detox Program

World facing 'arsenic timebomb' from arsenic in water and rice - BBC News - August 30, 2007.

Rice grown in Southeast Asia could be contaminated from cancer-causing arsenic found naturally in the soil and water.

"Eating large amounts of rice grown in affected areas could also be a health risk, scientists said."

"Arsenic consumption leads to higher rates of some cancers, including tumours of the lung, bladder and skin, and other lung conditions. Some of these effects show up decades after the first exposure. "

Herbal remedies 'could harm health' - BBC News - September 6, 2002.

Chinese medicines 'still a danger' - BBC News - September 27, 2001.

"MCA checks have also uncovered poisonous heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic, and prescription only steroids which could be damaging if taken over long periods."

Dr. Robert C. Atkins Dies From Head Injury After Fall on Icy Walk - April 17, 2003.

Scientists Endorse the Atkins' Diet - May 17, 2004.

Low-Fat Diet Does Not Cut Health Risks, Study Finds. February 9, 2006.

Reference Books and Online Support Groups:

Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes

This is a must-read book. Gary Taubes is an award-winning scientist who has specialized in exposing misleading, incorrect, or fraudulent science. His seven-year research in every science connected with the impact of nutrition on health shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong. For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates are better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet with more and more people acting on the advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes.

Taubes argues persuasively that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, easily digested starches) via their dramatic effect on insulin -- the hormone that regulates fat accumulation -- and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number. There are good and bad calories. Taubes traces how the common assumption that carbohydrates are fattening was abandoned in the 1960s when fat and cholesterol were blamed for heart disease and then -- wrongly -- were seen as the causes of a host of other maladies, including cancer. He shows us how these unproven hypotheses were emphatically embraced by authorities in nutrition, public health, and clinical medicine in spite of how well-conceived clinical trials have consistently refuted them. He also documents the dietary trials of carbohydrate restriction which consistently show that the fewer carbohydrates we consume the leaner we will be.

With precise references to the most significant existing clinical studies, he convinces us that there is no compelling scientific evidence demonstrating that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease; that salt causes high blood pressure; and that fiber is a necessary part of a healthy diet. Based on the evidence that does exist, he leads us to conclude that the only healthy way to lose weight and remain lean is to eat fewer carbohydrates or to change the type of carbohydrates we do eat and, for some of us, perhaps to eat virtually none at all.

TNT DIET - Targeted Nutrition Tactics
by Jeff Volek, Ph.D., RD and Adam Campbell, Men's Health Magazine
The explosive new plan to blast fat, build muscle and get healthy.

The TNT Diet is a great book for bodybuilders and everyone else who wants to preserve and build lean muscle while controlling body fat. This book is a must read for anyone on the low-carbohydrate diet.

Active Low-Carber Forums - Atkins & low-carbohydrate Diet Support Group

You can talk with others who have bowel diseases or Candida about their experiences. Registration is free but is required before you can post your own message or question. You can click above to visit and read posts by others. Look for the "Candida Yeast & IBS" topic link.

Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life

Life Without Bread is an important addition to the growing body of literature on the benefits and importance of low-carb diet. Written by Christian Allan, Ph.D., and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D., the book is based on Dr. Lutz's experience using carbohydrate restricted diets with thousands of patients for more than 40 years. It is based on extensive research in the medical and scientific literature and provides ample references. The book presents a unified theory of how high (and even moderate) levels of dietary carbohydrate cause or exacerbate various health problems and how carbohydrate restriction can help people to recover from those problems.

The book Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D. has a chapter on gastrointestinal diseases. Don't be mislead by the title to believe the cure is the simple elimination of bread. Mr. Lutz's older book is out of print but has essentially the same information. It may even contain more detail than his new book above. Fortunately, Chapter VII: Gastro-Intestinal Tract of the older book can be read online.

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Revised and Improved

The Atkins' New Diet Revolution is the best book for an initial dietary change and quick weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol. Look for the companion book for recipes. It has some very interesting case studies from the doctor's patients. It includes data from past civilizations proving the low-carbohydrate diet is the most healthy.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. ISBN: 006001203X.

Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution

This is Dr. Atkins newest book. The main topics are the cause, prevention, and cure for diabetes and heart disease which have become major health concerns in the United States and many other developed countries.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. with Sheila Buff ISBN: 0312251890.

Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's Answer To Drugs  

This is the best book for determining the correct vitamin and mineral dosage for therapeutic (disease curing) effect, excessive dosage amounts, and normal recommendations. Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution discusses the vital function of vitamins and nutritional supplements and then provides a list of diseases and complaints that the supplements can help cure or alleviate.

Protein Power Lifeplan

This book by Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Dan Eades has an excellent chapter on "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which describes the cause of bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases.

Why Stomach Acid is Good for You

This groundbreaking book unleashes a brilliant new plan for permanently curing heartburn by relieving the root cause of the problem -- low stomach acid. The fact is that heartburn is caused by too little stomach acid -- not too much, as many doctors profess. Book by Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard.

Three Books Are Now Available!

Book - Absolute Truth Exposed - Volume 1

Book - Big Bang TheoryBook - Reversing Heart Disease and Preventing Diabetes

Click here to review and order!!
The books are more complete than the web pages!! 

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Kent R. Rieske
5086 Cottonwood Drive
Boulder, CO 80301 USA

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation, or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health clinics.

Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.

Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs.

The World's Most Popular Diet & Nutrition Message Board


Reversing Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Disease, Stent, HDL, and LDL Cholesterol Success Stories


Bible Life Healing Ministries
Our Nutritional Program Has Performed Healing Miracles
The proper diet for healing and health preservation is argued fiercely because this is a spiritual battle. Poor health and disease can be caused by believing the worldly myths, distortions, and lies about nutrition which have deceived most people. The following information should be studied carefully to reduce your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and inflammatory bowel diseases. This information is healing people worldwide. You can also be healed. Please let us know about your success.

Jerry S. from Augusta, Georgia writes, "Thank you for such a wonderful web site.... the nutrition pages opened my eyes to the truth - and saved my life!"

Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cholesterol Science.

Low-Carb Diet Plan Prevents Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer's, and Heart Disease.

Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions, and Lies That Will Destroy Your Health.

Top Ten Historical Events That Created Our Current Health and Nutritional Quagmire.

Fibromyalgia, Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Prostate Health - Reversing Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Preventing Prostate Cancer.

Hypertension, High Blood Pressure Control, Heart Palpitations, Arrhythmias, and Blood Testing.

Absolute Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Are Pathogenic.

Low-Carbohydrate Diet Confirmed by Duke Study.

Two Studies Validate the Low-Carbohydrate, High-Protein Diet.

Ketogenic, Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Bodybuilders.

Ketosis Myths and Facts on the Low-Carbohydrate Diet.

Breaking Stalls and Plateaus on the Low-Carbohydrate Diet. Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health.

Myths, Distortions, and Lies About Beef.

Animal-Rights Terrorists Strike Again?

Studies Prove Beef Is A Safe And Healthy Food.

Bone Analysis Suggests Neolithic People Preferred Meat.

Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.

7,700-Year-Old Bones Prove Early Humans were Highly Carnivorous.

Eggs Do Not Cause Bad Cholesterol.

Feeding the Irrational Fear of Cholesterol.

Exposing the Myths, Dangers, and Lies About Organic Food. Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.
The Organic Farming Myths. Anthropological Research Reveals Optimal Human Diet by H. Leon Abrams, Jr.
Dietary Fiber Theory. Scientific Proof Fiber in the Diet is Unhealthy. Vegetarianism: Another View
by H. Leon Abrams, Jr.
The Myths of Vegetarianism. The Case Against Milk by Sheila Buff.
Vegetarian Diet Deficiencies Are a Proven Fact. Vitamin Deficiencies and Vitamin Toxicities.

Atkins' Diet Healthier Than the American Heart Association's Diet.

Dr. Weston A. Price Foundation.

Genetically Modified Corn Study Reveals Health Damage and Cover-up. The Mediterranean Diet is a Big FAT Lie.
Pregnant? Pregnancy, Adoption, Abortion, Infertility,
and  Proper Diet During Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby

Mommy Goes Shopping for Baby Food.
Read Why Mommy's Diet Causes Infant Autism.

Top Ten Exercise Health Myths About Running, Jogging, Biking, Marathons, and Triathlons
Top Ten Embryonic Stem Cell and Human Cloning Research Claims, Promises, Facts, Expectations, Exaggerations, Hype, and Myths
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske
Top Ten Myths About Nutrition and Diet in the Bible
The Truth, Myths, and Lies About the Health and Diet of the "Long-Lived" People of Hunza, Pakistan, Hunza Bread, and Pie Recipes
The Truth About the Balanced Diet Theory and the 
Four or Five Groups of the Food Guide Pyramid
Study With Mice Shows the High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diet Improves Alzheimer's Disease and Most Likely Will Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

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