Your Personality Test

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Again, select between two columns of characteristics the one that best describes you.





Have truth as an objective. Have harmony as a goal.
Decide more with my head. Decide more with my heart.
Question others' findings because they might be wrong. Agree more with others' findings because people are worth listening to.
Notice ineffective reasoning. Notice when people need support.
Choose truthfulness over tactfulness. Choose tactfulness over truthfulness.
Deal with people firmly as needed. Deal with people compassionately.
Expect the world to run on logical principles. Expect the world to recognize individual differences.
Note pros and cons of each option. Note how an option has value and how it affects people.
Feelings valid if they're logical. ANY feeling is valid.
Sees others' flaws. Like to please others and show appreciation.
Tolerate occasional queries as to my emotional state in relationships. Appreciate frequent queries as to my emotional state.


Which column best describes you?

Column A or Column B

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